Start time: Friday 09:00h CEST
Finish time: Sunday 12:00h CEST

Registration fee:
620.00 EUR / 550.00 GBP / 720.00 USD

Registration deadline:
3 October 2025

3 nights B&B: TBA

How to register

1. Click Register to add participants to the desired workshop. Participants will be added to the shopping cart.

2. When you are done, click Checkout

3. Our team will contact you to confirm your registration and give you details on how to pay.

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Online workshops - 17 - 19 Oct 2025

Category 1, 1&2, 2 and 3 workshops for IB CP and DP teachers

Our "virtually perfect" online workshops use Zoom as a platform. The length of each workshop is 15 hours spread over 2 ½ days comprising 8 x 80 minutes synchronous sessions with a further 4 hours 20 minutes of asynchronous engagements.

Our innovative and dynamic modules will help to ensure teacher interest and engagement. Please download the relevant agenda for further details.

The workshops will take place at the TBC in Online (IB Approved). The registration fee is 620 euros, 550 pounds or 720 dollars.

Registration deadline: 3 October 2025. Since there are only a limited number of places available on the workshops we recommend that you apply early.

Workshop leaders: all of the workshops will be run by highly experienced IB workshop leaders. Click on the relevant name for a short biography and link to recommendations.

  • Start time: Friday 09:00 CEST
  • End time: Sunday 12:00 CEST
  • Registration fee: 620 EUR / 550 GBP / 720 USD
  • Registration deadline: 3 October 2025

Career-related Programme

CP Reflective project

Workshop leader: Rebecca Pickard

DP Category 1

Language A: Literature (generic)

Workshop leader: Carolyn Trimming

Spanish A: Language and literature

Workshop leader: TBA

DP Category 1&2


Workshop leader: TBA

French A: Language and Literature

Workshop leader: TBA


Workshop leader: Soraya Fathi

Social and cultural anthropology

Workshop leader: TBA

Spanish A: Literature

Workshop leader: Miguel Angel Arconada Melero

DP Category 2

Digital society

Workshop leader: Barbara Stefanics

Language B (generic)

Workshop leader: Susan Menand

Mathematics: Analysis and approaches

Workshop leader: TBA

DP Category 3

Chemistry: A focus on the experimental programme

Workshop leader: Sofia Cano

Navigating school-supported self-taught literature

Workshop leader: Kate Beatty